Sunday, June 26, 2011

Week 8

This week has actually been fairly quiet. Suzette and I decided that because of the nature of the projects I am working on and the changed way I am actually completing my hours, we don’t need to meet every week like we were before taking on the new job. I know it is also a little harder for Suzette to put aside time to meet with me later in the day, as she tends to use that time for out of the office meetings. I do feel that this is perfectly appropriate however.

I did get a few small tweaks that I need to make for the Educator’s Guide. They were all little things that I probably missed due to the sheer number of entries. Lesson learned: don’t send in a “finished” project until you have a chance to look at it with fresh eyes or better yet have a team member look it over. I wish I had a team to show it to. Oh well, an hour later and some small tweaks and Suzette seems to be happy with it at this point. On the plus side she was very happy with it before she noticed the minor issues, and the overall look and feel of the piece is pleasing. I count that as a win.

I also gave her two new versions of the favorite Old Quarters poster. One is just the right size to be inline for a reminder email, or perhaps used as a header for the same. The other is a small ad the same size as the ones I have done for the art guild, meant to be shown in the margins of a web page.

I am also getting a chance to start on the PowerPoint project. Right now I’m trying to create a consistent custom them for the slides, and plan on basically pulling in the same information that was in the old one, just making sure to do a little of my layout magic so it looks 100% nicer. I am also going to get to use a little of my deeper PP knowledge and create a couple of slides that are interesting info graphics about financial data. Wish me luck!

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