Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week 10 and Final Thoughts

This week is actually incredibly short, in fact I am writing this on Tuesday rather than at the end of the week. I have my last meeting with Suzette tomorrow as an intern, and I already know that it will be very short and sweet. I only need to give her the disk of all the work that I have done over the semester, and get her to sign my time sheet for the last part of the semester. At least I will still be able to continue working for ArtsPartners as a volunteer.

I really feel as if I have learned a lot from this experience, not the least of which is how to put my own ideas aside and give a client what they want no matter my personal opinion. Ah well, I’m glad I got this experience, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Internship Week 9

This week was fun and a little sad too. I am to the point where I only have a couple of things to finalize before my time as an intern is over, and even though it has been only 10 weeks, it feels like the end of an era. It could be that I am also going to be done with Robert Morris all together that is creating this somewhat nostalgic feeling. Whatever it is, I’m more glad to be about done than anything, although I will still be working with Suzette and ArtsPartners on a volunteer basis once this is done.

The PowerPoint is about done, and Suzette will actually be showing it during a meeting on the 8th of July, so I’m hoping to get it finished by Wednesday. Suzette very much likes the template I have created for her. I hope that she will be able to use it in the future without any issue. At least I am merely an email away if she needs anything, as well as more than willing to help. It feels very good to be able to give her something that will help them stay consistent, and that did not stray too far from what I believe is probably her brain child in the beginning.

The Educator’s Guide is nearly finished, one last eagle eyed look over, and then any changes that might be needed from the different organizations. I know that the final round of updates will be after my term as an intern is over, and I am totally ok with that. I’ll just be glad when that monster has been put to rest.

Getting to meet with Suzette was interesting this week, she had a back injury that made us have to reschedule once, and then meet in a coffee shop rather than in her office since the shop was close to her chiropractor’s office. So we kept it short and sweet, and she gave the rundown of what was needed to finish these last projects and the go ahead on the PowerPoint template. We also discussed the future of working with her, and it would seem that I will get a chance to work with the new interns coming in in a couple of weeks. I guess she feels that since I know them and I know her design aesthetic I will be able to make sure that the quality of work stays consistent. I am just glad that I will get to continue interacting on a more or less professional level with a couple of my classmates.

Ahh well, off to finish what I need to finish.